(+971) 65436360
(+971) 552929805
8:30am - 1:30, 3:30pm to 8pm
Saturday to Thursday
The circuit breaker is an absolutely essential device in the modern world, and one of the most important safety mechanisms in the home and industry.

Whenever electrical wiring in a building has too much current flowing through it, these simple machines cut the power until somebody can fix the problem. Without circuit breakers (or the alternative, fuses), household electricity would be impractical because of the potential for fires and other mayhem resulting from simple wiring problems and equipment failures..

We have all types of Circuit breakers, MCB, MCCB, SPCB, GFI, ACB, ELCB, RCCB, ECB, MPCB, In all their respective Amperes and poles, we are fully ready to meet your needs.


We have all sizes of Power Adaptors, home and industral use


We have a variety of Low Voltage power Supply, diffrent shape and size


Din Rail Low voltage power supply comes in square and cube sizes and we have all in stock


we have full stock of Digital Voltage power Supply, order today


All size and shapes are availiable for sale


we have all types of Three Phase power supply in stock